Thank You, Father

I wanted to share with you all, a very special book. This simple message is near and dear to my heart. It is a book I wrote for children. A book of gratitude. The book is called, “Thank You, Father: A Children’s Book of Gratitude”. Each page contains a small message of gratitude, a single…

Be the Lighthouse

So, in the last few years I have started really listening in to see if the Lord had a word for me. It’s something I have admired one of my friends for doing for many years. She and the Lord meet in a sweet and sacred space, and He bestows the most beautiful, timely, and…

Somewhere in the Middle

I am worn. Not tired. I am worn. I am worn out by two sides, two very different voices crying out. Both sides certain, they are right. Two different sides shaming and convicting, condemning and criticizing, pointing fingers and dividing. Both sides are wearing me out. I am a peacemaker. That isn’t a bad thing…

The Good Life

“What is the good life?” a little girl asked of her grandmother. “Well,” she replied “It is made up of many things.” “It’s playing games till way too late. It’s waking up way past eight. It’s eating meals around the table, with the whole family as you’re able. It’s slowing down, not eating fast. It’s…

The Others

Do you know the story of the miracle of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha? Let me take a quick moment to share it with you. Lazarus was gravely ill. His sisters, Mary and Martha sent for Jesus to come quick and heal him. Jesus replies to this request, “This illness does not lead…

Yellow Butterflies

Maybe because it is Spring, or maybe because the sun is finally shining, either way, I have seen an unusual number of yellow butterflies. In this season of quarantine and social distancing, I have spent much of my exercise time outside, in my favorite spot, hitting the nature trails. While running around, soaking up as…

Therapy Session

The cloudy skies are not the only thing that has been a bit overcast lately. I have very much been dealing with my own funk. Thankfully, after a good, as one of my best friends Ang calls it, “ugly cry” in the passenger side of the truck, I felt enough relief to get out and…

The Thing About Should

The thing about depression and anxiety in the midst of a seemingly “good” season, when all is “right” in the world, is drowning in the “shoulds”. “I should be happy right now.” “I should be content in all things.” “I shouldn’t let this bother me so much.” “I should be able to get over this.”…

Slow Soaking Rain

I have to admit, there are two things I despise, specifically when they are in concert together: cold and wet. The last three days have been nothing but cold and wet. I was bone chilled and soaked through and through at my son’s most recent football game. Due to the recent temp and precipitation, I…

An Uncomfortable Truth

Lately, I have been dealing with the waves of approval seeking and today something came flooding out when journaling and I felt the need to share. I pray that in sharing my uncomfortable struggles and bondage, it might set someone else free. “Father, I see myself striving towards approval again. I don’t know how to…